Thursday, February 21, 2008

Girlicious--the new Destiny's Child? The new PCD? The new Go-Go's? The new Eden's Crush?

Before I start, let me preface this with a thanks....THANK Everything that is good that the strike is OVER. No more reality!!!! I can't handle it!

Ahem. And now onto today's topic. So as many of you know I have been entertaining myself with Quantum Leap on DVD. (Seriously, Knight Rider can get remade, but Sam and Al can't come back? How injust!)

But last night I crawled into bed, and found that the only show on at 9PM without any dead bodies was Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious on the CW. So I watched. Bad idea. The premise is so not original: Robin Antin (her of PCD and way too many collagen injections fame) and her team are choosing 3 girls to become Girlicious!: the next all girl pop band. I'm sorry? You actually think I will listen to a band called Girlicious? It was cute when Fergie sang "Fergalicious", but please.

Show highlights include Natalie, the Queen Bee and all around b**ch, but of course she happens to be the most talented of the group- she can sing and dance and walk in a straight line and chew gum! She also is very pretty. But she's not a collaborator-oh no. When Charlotte asked if she could borrow Natalie's boots, she said no, and cited the fact that they were in competition with each other. Yes, Natalie, Charlotte will be made a member b/c she was wearing your boots. Did I mention that most of these girls are 18-20 years old? All pert and full of attitude.
Last night's ep featured the girls singing karoke of Sugar Ray's Fly and Nelly Furtado's I'm Like a Bird--all while Sugar Ray frontman and host Mark McGrath and Nelly were in the audience!?!? Is that fair? Wait...this whole show is unfair! Oh and the BIG CRISIS of the night-Jenna was taken to the hospital with a ruptured cyst-and she still put on a great show!
Still, there were some highlights: Jenna is the daughter of personal trainers, and she's a big girl, and I mean that in a good way! And Ilisa, the redhead, has a great and very different voice (plus, um, red hair!)

Bad, dumb show. If I had to say now, they'd be the next Eden's Crush. Remember them? The band from the VERY similar WB show, Popstars? There was one breakout star from that group. Her name? Nicole Scherzinger, the lead (and only) singer of the Pussycat Dolls. Huh.


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