Monday, December 29, 2008

Best Movie

Notice I said "Best Movie" not Best Film? Just pointing that out....
ok so this year's winner is no surprise:

The Dark Knight...

In preparation for the awards, I rewatched this last week, and I was just as engrossed, creeped out, and amazed the second time around (6 months later) as I was the first time. Yep, this is a keeper. Much attention has been given to Heath Ledger, and it should, but let's not forget the great performances by all the cast, especially Christian Bale, who, I think found himself playing second fiddle to Ledger's untimely death. We'll know soon if the hoity toidy of the film world agree with us at the Oscars.

Runner Ups

Tropic Thunder-I can't explain it, just see it!
Pineapple Express-How did Franco walk away with a nom for this movie and not Milk?
The House Bunny--Cute! This was so formulaic, but Anna Faris is so endearing. And I love Colin Hanks and with this flick and his amazing performance on Mad Men, it's been a good year for him.

Movies I am sure should be on this list, but I haven't seen them yet:

Slumdog Millionaire
Gran Torino

Did I miss anything?

1 comment:

dp said...

In Bruges was the best movie of 2008. Check it out.