Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mamma Mia, let me go

So Dark Knight opened last weekend? Did I see it? No of course not. I saw Mamma Mia! Ugh. Was dragged to it by a friend. Do you like musicals? Then you will LOVE this flick. The singing! The dancing! The way no one reacts when characters break out in songs--from the 70's! And they didn't even include my favorite ABBA song! Tho, I did forget what a guilty pleasure ABBA is.

Ok so it was alright. Meryl Streep, I admit, was very good. As was her two friends. But the real magic happens during the closing credits. Not gonna tell, but even if you don't want to see the movie, sneak in for the credits.

Next up is Dark Knight (i hope).

Mamma Mia! The FBI is 100 years old today!

1 comment:

Dave said...

i've lost all respect for you.