Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Josh Jackson returns for our weekly viewing pleasure! Tonight at 8!

And what a fine actor he is. I mean, to have put up with some of those baaad storylines on Dawson's Creek, and STILL make the audience love him, I mean, well...I LOVE YOU PACEY!...ahem. sorry bout that.

OK so we all know that J.J. Abrams' new show Fringe premires tonight oon Fox, and as if you could not have guessed, it stars former Skulls (did you see that movie? You should) actor Josh Jackson. Do you think JJ has over stayed his tv welcome (Lost, Felicity, Alias)? Should he concentrate on movies (Mission IMpossible 3)?

Hey did I ever tell you I was supposted to meet Josh? It's true!
He was going to come to Spooky World (remember that?) but had to cancel at the last moment. So Kerr Smith from Dawson's Creek came. He was cool. It should be noted that Gigs was dragged there by her college roommate and would never have done something so lame as to go on her own. I prefer my celebrity encounters to be of the random kind...in an elevator, at the Magic Kingdom, while looking for a lost water bottle.

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