Saturday, September 20, 2008

Librarians, Librarioes, and Guybrarians

I just found out that one of my favorite librarians retired from Assumption College. And it got me thinking about all the other librarians that have inspired me in one way or another over my young lifetime. So I'd like to take a moment to thank them:

Larry Spongeberg-the aforementioned librarian. He always knew when you felt lost or stressed and had just the right cheesy joke to get you laughing again. Congrats, Larry and thanks for the smiles.

First Lady Laura Bush-the classiest librarian ever.

Bonnie O'Brien-for giving me my first, second, third and fourth library jobs, and being a damn fun lady to hang out with.

George Brown-for supporting me through all my crazy programming ideas, and for being one of the most interesting and smartest people I know.

Maureen Ambrosino-for showing me that there was more to librarianship than checking out books and answering questions.

Debbie Alger- for reminding me not to take myself too seriously. There's still fun to be had!

Sharon Terry- for accompanying me on all my crazy adventures--and never being embarrassed by me. And for trusting me when I say those are librarian shoes.

"Uncle" Tony Stankus-the greatest Science Librarian EVER! He's too cool for this profession.

Thanks to everyone who has inspired me along the way. I must have hit my quarter life crisis or something. This is sounding like a speech or something!

Gigs is taking a few days off, and to quote George Brown, "As the German grape stompers say, 'Our feet are stained!'

1 comment:

Bailey said...

Larry and I were on a committee a few years ago- it kind of fizzled out. I totally agree about Bonnie-
And if it weren't for Debbie- I doubt I would still be at SPL:-)