Saturday, September 22, 2007

Gossip Girls---TRASH!

You know those people who say they hate rap music but never actually listen to it? I don't like those people. I actually was on my way to becoming one a few months back, but I was against the Gossip Girls book series by Cecily Von Zigesar. Not because of the content, mind you. But because of the negative portrayal of teenage girls I was just sure it depicted.

Well, I decided that if I was going to bad mouth a book that millions of girls loved, the least I could do was read it. And something surprising happened....I was right: the girls are depicted in a negative fashion, all snooty and self-absorbed and doing things that I didn't know existed at that age (lotsa sex, alcohol, and drugs). But here's the surprising part: I LIKED IT! Couldn't put the damn book down. Oh sure, I was reading the book in the safety of my own bedroom, so no one would see, and I was still embarrassed! And when WHDH TV, (channel 7 to those of us in Beantown), ran a segment on the Racy Reads teens can find at the library, I immediately got on the defensive. There is nothing worse that a teen reading, right? I mean, omg, the library may actually be entering the realm of coolness just by having these books in their collection. Way to go, 7 news. Let's not promote all the awesome things libraries are doing for teens, let's focus on the trashy reads....and that is exactly what the GG books, mindless trashy reads. Just wait til they make the movie, I thought after seeing the segment. **Please note: the article isn't as negative as the actual tv spot was, but it was all I could find.**

Well, I wasn't too far off. Last week gave us the premier of GG: the series (Loved it, loved the guy who plays Dan, and I love Josh Schwartz). More Cruel Intentions, less O.C. But when I ever saw that 7 news was "taking us behind the scenes of the CW's newest hit teen series", I almost puked. The 60 second bit gave us clips of the show, stars, and a positive blub on the series, no doubt put together to increase promotion for the show. But how dare they not mention the basis of the show. Wouldn't want to come off as a bunch of hypocrits, would we? Promoting the show, and trashing the books.

Just my thoughts on the matter. Sure it won't be my favorite show of the fall, but like the books, it's a nice filler while waiting for something better to come along. Kinda wish they launched it as a summer series; this summer was boring! And no, I will not tell you if the books/series are appropriate for your teen. That is a decision you, as the parent, have to make.

Tom Felton is 20 this weekend. 20!
Red Sox up by 2, but are currently (as in this instant) beating the Devil Rays 5-2.


Dan Barbour said...

national banned book week is a week from tomorrow - GG is one of the most banned book series of the year. The most banned kids book was about same-sex penguins taking care of a baby penguin. What is the world coming to when penguins are banned. this screams a clever t-shirt.

Bailey said...

Ohmigod! Not penguins.....